Friday, October 31, 2014

Finals... Are Over!!!

Yup. We had finals this week and they were a doozy. These pictures pretty much describe my week...
Hours and hours of studying in the classrooms and using the whiteboards to remember EVERYTHING about the history of Islam, Judaism, Palestine, and Israel. 
It was actually really cool to review everything we've been learning this semester and see how it all ties together! I've learned so much about the political and religious situation here in the Holy Land and realize it's an amazing opportunity to see it continue to unfold real time. 

One fun memory from the week was when we wet all sitting in the Forum waiting for Professor Ayman to give us our Arabic final. He came in with two huge bags of delicious chocolate treats! Then he said that before the final Austin and I had to sing for him and the class. I thought he was joking but then the next thing I knew Austin was singing "Lean On Me" and then I was singing a reprise of "Bring  Him Home." He loved it and gave me a big hug afterwards :)

After finals we celebrated by going to a soccer game!!
With Courtney, Adam, Mackenzie, Sygni, and Grace :)

Da whole soccer crew posing together after the game!

Then today we had our Field Trips class midterm and we were finally done with all our tests this week!!!
Our "We Survived Finals Week" celebration picture!! And a little Halloween celebration teaser...


  1. I'm so relieved and glad for you that tests are over! Are you really done with all your tests this semester? OR still more?

    1. Most of them are over but I still have finals for 2nd block - New Testament, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, and Field Trips.
