Friday, October 17, 2014

Picture Potpourri

So I've accumulated quite a few pictures during the last six weeks that haven't fit any posts so far so I thought I'd just make a blogpost entirely of random pictures :) Here it goes!

This was the first sunset pic I got in Jerusalem. It was taken from the bus right before arriving at the BYU Jerusalem Center for the first time :)
Our first service project! I've posted about service but that post was from the second project so I wanted to include this action shot!
Grand Opening of the Dean's Den! This is the student commons room where we can buy and eat snacks and have dances/socials. Every semester the Student Commons Committee gets to name the snack bar and stock/sell/price the items. This semester they named it after Dean, the committee chair (seen above in a white t-shirt in the middle). 
Karaoke night in the Dean's Den our first Friday night. Jordan and Emma did a spectacularly comedic version of Phantom of the Opera. 
Sporting Mike's straw hat on our first field trip. I didn't wear it too long - he's a red head so he needed it to not die from skin cancer. 
Early in the semester we went with a small group to King Hezekiah's Cave underneath the north side of the Old City!
Enjoying a delicious lunch on the terrace with these lovely ladies - Abigail, Christina, Michelle, Meagan, and Mackenzie. 
The cafeteria! My favorite place in the center :)
Brother Whitchurch giving some instructions right outside the first floor doors before we all walked to the Western Wall on Jewish Sabbath.
Me pretending not to notice someone taking taking a picture of us listening to the instructions previously mentioned. (With Dean, Hunter, and Matt from left)
Saw this guy in the Old City playing this amazing instrument. Sounded like steel drums but prettier :) 
The walkway from the upper security gate toward the 8th floor main entrance. I love this part of the center - it brings back the magical feelings I had when I first arrived. 
Sabbath choir rehearsal in the auditorium with Sister Jones!
Brother Anderson teaching Old Testament. 
Went to the Garden Tomb one Sunday and within minutes it went from being completely empty and sunny... super crowded and cloudy. 

Modeling the new pants I bought from Zara in Jerusalem :)
I had to take a picture of Jordan's pose during our guide Yasemine's tour of the Hippodrome in Istanbul. 
Trying to make this girl's fiancé jealous with this cute couple pic on our rooftop sunrise breakfast hotel patio. Don't Mackenzie and I look good together? I keep trying to convince her to marry me instead...
I've posted plenty of people photo bombing me so I thought it was about time to proudly post this personal photo bomb of the Anderson's at the Blue Mosque :)
With Christeen at the Topkapi palace in Instanbul. 
A "candid" shot of me eating a delicious lunch in Turkey he he...
Lunch table shot at the same meal mentioned above. Pretty good guy to girl ratio I'd say :)
Ancient Ruins Selfie with Lauren at Pergamum. 
Had to get a pic with these twinners (Christina and Kasdyn) in Assos. 
Jordan and Kasdyn break dancing on the antiquities at Ephesus. 
Priceless photo of Clarah with a camel which they almost made us pay for...
Living the Turkishly delightful life at our beach resort!
Brother Jones didn't mind getting his shoes and pants wet at the beach. Anything to make sure he got that perfect picture of...anything but the sunset...what's he getting picture of again?
We went to a Formula 1 race car exposition in Western Jerusalem. You know you're a black belt selfie taker when you capture a race car and a stranger's stank face at the same time!
Artsy picture of Matthew 26:42 with the Garden of Gethsemane in the background taken on my birthday. 
Bus ride selfie with Diane and Grace. And Mike...
Birthday beach boy shot in Haifa... Yup. 
A store owner making fresh pomegranate juice in the Old City!! So delicious. Destroyed my bowels. Kinda a one time thing. 
Thought about instagramming this but then I thought "Nah, betta nawt."
Sister Jones giving Thomas and I a private abbreviated organ concert!
With Brother and Sister Jones - the music program directors. They are so talented on the piano and organ! Brother Jones accompanied me for the formal talent show :)
Olivia asked if I wanted a brownie after a service project once. She forgot to ask me if I wanted it in my mouth or on my face. #details

Well, that's enough for now. I'll most likely do this again in a few weeks :)

1 comment:

  1. This is like my favorite post! (Okay I love them all of course.) I love seeing the more "everyday" moments like your view sitting in class, funny moment/stories (are you going to tell us more about the camel and the brownie?), the cafeteria!, the walkway, choir rehearsal, etc etc! So Dean gets his own "day" AND the commons area is named after him?! ;-) That's awesome you went to Zara. When we walked by the Zara store in NYC I kind of freaked out. I love that store. So yeah I love this post. I love that you take so many pictures and capture the BEST moments. It's almost unreal. Way to go.
