Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Red Sea

It's actually blue. AND I GOT TO GO SNORKELING IN IT!!

Maybe we spent eight hours on a bus (round trip) to be able to spend five hours there but it was totally worth it. Plus, I've really come to love the bus :)
I get to listen to music, look at the landscape, get to know people better, and not make any decisions about where to go cuz' I'm stuck on a bus :) Also, I get to sleep...
Don't ask me how I fell asleep on this position haha. 

Here are some more pics from the trip!!
Getting ready to go in the water!!
With Abigail, Meagan, and Dean. The water was kinda chilly so I took my time getting in...
Snorkeling with Ashley!! She let me use her Go-Pro and I had a blast...
As you can tell :)

I recorded us trying to sit on this floating beam in the water. That was some fun footage to go through haha. 


Epic Go-Pro Red Sea Group Selfie!!

We relaxed on the beach (with Christeen and Jessica). 

And took some fun group pictures!
With Emma and Kasdyn 
With Matt, Kasdyn, Olivia, and Lauren. 
Wouldn't have been a true photo shoot without a beach selfie with Kasdyn, Matt, Lauren, Lincoln, Liza, Missy, and Emma :)

Someone had to get a shot of me and my amazing photography skills. Sometimes you just gotta squat and stick out your gut to get that perfect angle (while holding your friends shirt in your trunks...)

What I loved about this trip was that not only did I strengthen relationships with people I already knew, I became better acquainted with a few who I didn't know very well. It was a great day!!

With Erin, Kasdyn, and Austin right before heading home. 

1 comment:

  1. You've always fallen asleep in the weirdest positions. I think we even took a few pictures of you when you were younger asleep in the couch in a weird position. That's awesome you could use a Go Pro to take sweet pictures. The water is beautiful!! Were there fish, creatures under the water?
